The Medical Faculty was founded in 1906. It is the ancestor of the University. Professor Ivan F. Ognev (1855-1928),
an outstanding Russian morphologist, was its first Dean. During its 94-year history the Medical Faculty has made many
changes as far as the contents of curriculum and teaching trends are concerned, but always highly qualified training
of doctors in the main academic disciplines of medicine has been maintained.
The Peadiatric Faculty of the University was founded in 1930. It was the first peadiatric faculty in the world.
The Bio-Medical Faculty was founded in 1963. It was the year of rapid development in the field of molecular biology.
It also was started because of man’s entrance into space.
The Postgraduate Training Faculty was founded in 1971 to train graduates of the University in various special branches
of medicine. From 1988 the University began offering courses for those desirous of defending their Doctoral degree.
Specialization is offered through 70 chairs of the University with clinical courses covering 23 clinical
The University Today The Russian State Medical University has respect in the Russian Federation and abroad. Today
RSMU is a complex of buildings designed for practical classes, lectures, laboratory studies, research work and
auxiliary services, covering a total area of 1,119 thousand square meters and including a students’ township «Medik».
It consists of four hotel-type buildings with a dining hall (total area – 42000 sq. m.).
The Council of Scientists of the University has adopted the curriculum that includes a four-year course of basic
bio-medical training at the first stage, a two-year course of basic medical education at the second stage and from
2 to 5 years of specialized postgraduate medical training.
There are three major faculties at RSMU where specialists in 51 branches of medicine are trained, including 37 medical,
7 biological, 5 chemical and 2 – in the fields of physics, mathematics, automation and computer systems.
The University students, postgraduates and interns, working for their academic degrees, are trained and get specialization,
improve their knowledge and skills, carry out their thesis at 108 chairs, 58 scientific-research laboratories of RSMU.
Among the staff of the University there are over 30 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAS, RAMS and RANS – respectively),
24 State Prizewinners, 8 celebrated scientists of Russia and over 700 candidates of sciences.